Kick Ass Interviews — Dru Riley

✍ Background

Dru is the founder of He is on a mission to help entrepreneurs own their most valuable resource. Time. Outside of this, he’s obsessed with comfort challenges and learning.

🎤 Interview

What is one big challenge you have faced and overcome?

I grew up in a financially unstable environment. Graduated high school and college early and built enough stability to take thoughtful risks.

Share a fun fact about yourself

I quit my job in 2017 and took a 3-year mini-retirement.

What’s one thing that excites you?

Decentralized companies, currencies, governments.

If you could go back 10 years ago, what advice would you have given yourself?

  • Focus on what you control. You can walk with them. Not for them.
  • Do more comfort challenges. The point is to try. Not to “succeed.”
  • You’re the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.You’re an introvert but get in the mix. Treat it like a comfort challenge.

What one challenge would you like to offer our community?

We each have a unique journey and unique struggles. Comfort challenges should come from within. What have you wanted to do for a while that you haven’t done?

Set a day aside. Do that.


Big thanks to Dru for sharing! Don’t forget to reach out and say “Hi”! 👋

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